Our Clients are encouraged to actively participate in the training sessions throughout the duration of the training cycle. The training process is not complete until our clients can effectively handle their dogs.

Puppies are accepted as early as 4 months of age, and any age after. We have successfully trained many older dogs, proving that you can teach old dog new tricks. We start off working on heeling, getting the dog to walk comfortably by your side without pulling, jumping, or sniffing the ground. Next we work on sit-stay, down stay as well as the "here" command. At first we train the dog to accomplish all of these commands with a leash, then progress to the off-leash compliance.

Blue Ribbon Kennels is a full-time; all breed obedience as well a great boarding facility. We customize our training program to meet the specific developmental needs, abilities, and progress of each dog while keeping the owners expectations in mind. Our kennels are completely covered and individual kennels for dogs are provided. Our dogs are fed a high-protein diet while in training. Kennels are cleaned and inspected several times daily to insure proper sanitation.

There is no joy greater than to help people with the care of their trusted companion. We appreciate your business and will do everything in our power to insure the best experience both for the dog and the owner.

Hours of Operation:

7:30 AM-5:30 PM Monday thru Friday, 8:00 AM- 12:00 PM on Saturday, and closed on Sunday. Dogs are accepted and visited by appointment only. On occasion, the kennels may be closed if there are no scheduled appointments. An appointment can be made 10 minutes ahead of time.

Telephone (601)-981-0183